We have always heard that women talk more than men. That it has been studied. That it's scientific. For years, this "absolute truth" has been legitimized and used as a joke, or even as an excuse to discredit or not even listen to what they have to say. The thing is, that simply isn't true. The truth is that only 2 out of 56 studies on the subject concluded that women talk more than men.
So, for March 8th, we decided to create a spot that, more than a promotion, is a great tribute to the voice of all women. Encouraging them to keep speaking up. To make themselves heard more and more. FOX Life will always be ready to listen to them.
Description by Rafael Canário

Gold awarded at "Sustainability and Social Responsibility" category at Meios & Publicidade festival in 2022. 

English version GFX were made by my colleague Maria João Carvalho.

Company: The Walt Disney Company
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