Festival Clube da Criatividade de Portugal
 GRAND PRIZE, as part of ABCLGBTQIA+ project, FOX Life and ILGA
 GOLD, Integrated project with ABCLGBTQIA+ project, FOX Life
 GOLD, Integrated multimedia campaign with ABCLGBTQIA+ project, FOX Life

 Promax Awards Europe
 Shortlist, Special Event Brand Spot with One Day To Remember, National Geographic

 Meios & Publicidade
 GOLD, Sustainability and Social Responsibility with A Declaration of Love to All Women's Voices, FOX Life

 Promax Europe Awards
 Shortlist, Best Use Of Editing with Quite a View, FOX Crime

 Promax Awards Europe
 GOLD, Use of Sound Design with Listen to the Planet, National Geographic
 GOLD, Something for Nothing with Listen to the Planet, National Geographic
 GOLD, Best Integrated Marketing Campaign as part of Premiere Yourself, FOX channels
 SILVER, Social Responsibility with Listen to the Planet, National Geographic

 Festival Clube da Criatividade de Portugal
 GRAND PRIZE as part of Premiere Yourself, FOX channels

 Meios & Publicidade
 GRAND PRIZE as part of Premiere Yourself, FOX channels

 Festival Clube da Criatividade de Portugal
 SILVER, Publicity Film Campaign with Listen to the Planet, National Geographic

 Meios & Publicidade
 GOLD, Event Promotion with Listen to the Planet, National Geographic

 Eutelsat TV Awards
 Best fiction and entertainment channel with ZAP VIVA

 MOTELX Film Festival
 Shortlist, Best Portuguese Horror Shortfilm with In the Forest... Run

 Monstra Animation Film Festival
 Shortlist, Short Shortfilm with The Escape
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